“The proper study of mankind is books” (Aldous Huxley)

And many a study is graced by fascinating books and fine bindings.

Law Reports with their aura of learning and sequential volumes can add a great deal of gravitas to any location – be it in the study,  hallway or sun filled loggia.

Although in a domestic setting law reports may not be read and used as they would be as the tools of the trade of a lawyer they are at least being preserved and maybe will inspire a later generation.

Designers are recommended to “At Home with Books” by Ellis,  Seebohm & Sykes published by Thames and Hudson (ISBN 0-500-01684-4) which has a myriad of examples of the way books can engage with a space from both sides of the Atlantic.

Glorious Books
Law books and law reports can provide a visual theme to a room and especially a study, often with the object of not just beatifying a room but giving an air of learning and composure.

Normally the focus will be on the visual effect of the spines en masse rather than any concerns about whether the bindings are sound and in fact some signs of wear may enhance the overall feel of the room as being used rather than the shelves being full of untouched and unread books.

The multitude of bindings of law reports and colours give a broad palette to choose from.

In case this is relevant the reality is that one can  sometimes acquire many feet of books of regular or irregular appearance at modest cost.

Words of warning
There are two aspects which are related.

The first is that the effect of a set of books which is out of order or incomplete might illustrate that the proud owner is in fact ignorant of the very basics of the legal works in display. For instance all law books are shelved in chronological order (essentially) and therefore to find a run of books from 1910 to 1920 and then skipping back to 1909 before picking up at 1921 tends to highlight that the books are there for show and nothing more.

The second is that we have seen commercial sellers selling sets of books as “complete” when they plainly are not or comprising a mixture of in date and out of date volumes.   A professional lawyer will know much better what they are selling.   Obviously commercial vendors wish to promote their wares as best they can but buying direct from vendors who are not dealers but lawyers might give greater confidence as to the descriptions provided (but this site gives no warranty).

In the knowledge section we will increasingly list the contents of a complete set of law reports to assist purchasers.