We welcome recommendations for bookdealers from users.

Please note we are not retained by book dealers (although they are welcome to use this site to market or buy books) and whilst we are happy to list them we do not give any recommendation or warranty at all concerning the services they advertise or provide.

Wildy & Sons Ltd

Lincolns Inn Archway, Carey St, Holborn, London WC2A 2JD

www.wildy.com | Tel: 020 7242 5778

Wildys have an unrivalled knowledge of law books for the UK and much of the Commonwealth.

They also hold extensive stocks and are able to provide odd volumes to make up complete sets.

Commentary of Book Dealers.

  • Obviously book dealers are in the market to make a profit and dealing in books involves a substantial overhead not only in matching buyers and sellers but in uplifting and delivering books.
  • It is worthwhile early on to find what a dealer intends to do with your books. It is a common experience to find that dealers will pay nothing or next to nothing for books simply because their ultimate market (possibly in the third world) will not pay substantial sums for law books.
  • Dealers in law books do come and go.
  • Some dealers one comes across are non-lawyers and can have a very patchy understanding of what they are selling e.g. whether a set is complete or not.