Frequently Asked Questions

You will need to register – this is simple and easy.

Just fill out and submit our vendor registration form here.

You will need to provide credit card details during registration (not to us) so that we can recover our fees should a sale occur. This is all handled by Stripe who are a massive USA company which specialise in dealing with the financial side of purchase transactions worldwide.

Listing is easy using our listing form here.

  • It is obviously sensible to use clear photos and lots of them.
  • Do make clear about collection/delivery (see below).
  • A fair and balanced description is to be encouraged.
  • Should you need to edit your listing, you can submit a request here.
  • After you have listed your books there will be a short delay until they appear on the site.  This allows the administrator to review proposed listings and seek to ensure that only suitable works appear on the website.

Use the assistance in our knowledge section for things to consider when pricing your books.

Also look at what other books are being sold for on our site.

Click onto the item you are interested in to find out more information.

Review the item carefully and you should feel free to ask questions of the seller before making a decision to buy.

When you decide to buy just click the button but be aware that you will have have entered a contract with the seller then and there (see the T&C’s).

We charge a commission of 7.5% on sales (plus vat or other sales taxes where applicable).   This is paid only by the seller of the books.

That is about half what some well known auction sites charge – we have to make some cash to set up and run this site and,  hopefully, fund some cheese and biscuits for the staff.

We do not charge listing fees.

Processing of payments to sellers may take a couple of days and sellers need to provide us with either their bank details for BACS payment or their Paypal account during registration so we have somewhere to send their monies!

It is up to Seller’s to specify but the default position (see the T&C’s) is that the buyer will collect and be given reasonable facilities to do so by the seller.

The knowledge section on this website gives some guidance on transportation.